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An oil painting of doctors operating on a patient using acupuncture for anesthesia.

A painting depicting the usage of acupuncture for anesthesia during surgery. The patient is smiling and awake. If you like this post please click like above.

An oil painting from the Cultural Revolution showing the colors of fall in a village with electric wires, signs of modernization.

An oil painting depicting a rural mountain village during the fall season. It shows aspects of modernization with electrical cables running through the countryside. If you like this post please click like above.

Three Foot Three From Heaven Chinese Painting

The name comes from a poem by Mao Zedong called “Three Short Poems” 1934 – 1935. 山 Mountains! 快马加鞭未下鞍。I whip my swift horse, glued to my saddle. 惊回首,I turn my head startled, 离天三尺三。The sky is three foot three above me!

Another Bumper Crop Year

She is using an abacus to figure the numbers for her notes. You see an enamelware cup like the one here.

Changbai refers to 长白山 the Changbai Mountains located in the Northeastern province of Jiling 吉林 near the North Korean border.

The Chinese name 蒸蒸日上 is an expression that literally means, “steaming days better”. It is an expression that carries the idea that things get better through steaming, such as steamed foods. The character 蒸,means to cook by steam.

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