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The museum is open today 10 am - 5 pm
34th Ave, Queens, NY 11106
open today 10 am - 5 pm
34th Ave, Queens, NY 11106

Stationary items 文具

Postcards, calendars, notebooks, etc.

A postage stamp from the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Mao is autographing books for people from all across the world.

A postage stamp from the Cultural Revolution Period. Chairman Mao surrounded by representatives from cultures around the world. They wait to have him autograph the little red book. Click like.

Postage Stamp of Mao on Tiananmen from the Cultural Revolution

It is a postage stamp with an image of Mao Zedong waving as he looks out over the Tiananmen Plaza from atop the Tiananmen Gate. This is one stamp from a set of two. You can view the other here. Click to like.

A postage stamp from the Cultural Revolution period in China. The photo is of Mao Zedong and Lin Biao looking out from the Tiananmen Gate toward Tiananmen Plaza.

It is a postage stamp with an image of Mao Zedong with Lin Biao looking out toward the Tiananmen Plaza from atop the Tiananmen Gate. This is one stamp from a set of two. You can view the other here. Click to like.

Notebook binder from the Cultural Revolution

A hardcover notebook with a revolutionary image pasted on the front that says, 干一辈子革命 读一辈子毛主席的书 “Revolution for a lifetime, read books by Chairman Mao for a lifetime.” The inside image is below. The calligraphy reads, 向雷锋同志学习–毛泽东 ”Learn from Comrade Lei Feng–Mao Zedong.”

Stamps are usually referred to as “chops” in English. They are used in official business and are equivalent to a signature.

A notebook with blank pages for writing Mao’s quotes. View inside images below. Below is an image of the first inside page photo pocket.

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