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The museum is open today 10 am - 5 pm
34th Ave, Queens, NY 11106
open today 10 am - 5 pm
34th Ave, Queens, NY 11106

Publications 相关书籍

A postage stamp from the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Mao is autographing books for people from all across the world.

A postage stamp from the Cultural Revolution Period. Chairman Mao surrounded by representatives from cultures around the world. They wait to have him autograph the little red book. Click like.

A Woman Committee Member oil painting from the Cultural Revolution

This piece is displayed in celebration of Women’s History Month. All women, as a group, in all cultures, under all governments deserve equal celebration. There is a little red book of Mao’s quotes like this one. She is wearing a Mao button like this one.…

Three Foot Three From Heaven Chinese Painting

The name comes from a poem by Mao Zedong called “Three Short Poems” 1934 – 1935. 山 Mountains! 快马加鞭未下鞍。I whip my swift horse, glued to my saddle. 惊回首,I turn my head startled, 离天三尺三。The sky is three foot three above me!

The 1973 Picture Storybook Series

A collection of select picture storybooks from 1973. This was a Beijing Middle School library book and still has the library card sleeve on the inside back page. Stories were selected from the National Picture Storybook Drawing Exhibition of China. Each story in the book…

Norman Bethune in China Storybook

An animated storybook of Norman Bethune in China. See an oil painting of Norman Bethune meeting with Mao Zedong here. Below is the inside page of the book with Mao’s quotations. The first paragraph says: Comrade Norman Bethune is not benefiting himself, he only has…

PLA Pictorial

A copy of the PLA (People’s Liberations Army) Pictorial from 1972. Below are images of inside pages.

Magazine Cutting

A cutting from a magazine cover. The characters, 各族人民大团结万岁 mean, “Long live the unity of all ethnicities.”

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