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The museum is open today 10 am - 5 pm
34th Ave, Queens, NY 11106
open today 10 am - 5 pm
34th Ave, Queens, NY 11106

Traditional Chinese 国画

Traditional Chinese painting is the typical brush painting. Some may be a combination of traditional and oil or another medium.

A traditional Chinese brush painting of the classical personage Qu Yuan.

A traditional scroll painting of Qu Yuan 屈原, 340 BCE to 287 BCE. He was a Chinese poet and politician who lived during the Chu Dynasty. He is connected to the history of the Dragon Boat Festival and the popular rice pockets called, 粽子 zong…

Ethnic Yi Train Workers Cultural Revolution Chinese Painting

Liangshan is the Yi Autonomous Prefecture located in Sichuan Province. They are sitting in a train car making announcements. The man is of the Yi Nationality. The insignia on his teacup is the railroad insignia like this pin. The Yi people are the 6th largest…

Three Foot Three From Heaven Chinese Painting

The name comes from a poem by Mao Zedong called “Three Short Poems” 1934 – 1935. 山 Mountains! 快马加鞭未下鞍。I whip my swift horse, glued to my saddle. 惊回首,I turn my head startled, 离天三尺三。The sky is three foot three above me!

Happy on the Shores of Lake Songhua

The slogan on the boat is, 为人民服务 “Service to the People.” There is an ethnic Korean woman with a bundle on her head in the lower right corner in traditional Korean clothing. Songhua Lake is located in Jilin province, which neighbors North Korea.

Premier Zhou's Pajamas

The calligraphy in the outside top right corner is the name of the painting. The inside is the date, 1977, and location, Beijing. The two red “chops” are the artist’s signature.

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