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A woman working a steel factory in the Cultural Revolution

The Chinese name includes the characters 青春 “youthful spring,” which refers to the youthful beauty in a person’s appearance.

Chinese painting of a group of farmers discussing farmer theory during the Cultural Revolution

On the left top back corner wall the blue-grey characters, 批林批孔专栏 mean, “Billboard for Criticizing Lin Biao and Confucius.” On the right top corner is an old style loud speaker box with a red five-star on it. This was used for making public announcements. You…

Waters have flowed forever Chinese painting

The Chinese name, 源远流长 (yuán yuǎn liú cháng) is a four-character phrase 成语 that literally means “The source is distant and the flow is long.” It brings awareness of the length of time that water has flowed and infers a comparison to time reaching back…

Three Foot Three From Heaven Chinese Painting

The name comes from a poem by Mao Zedong called “Three Short Poems” 1934 – 1935. 山 Mountains! 快马加鞭未下鞍。I whip my swift horse, glued to my saddle. 惊回首,I turn my head startled, 离天三尺三。The sky is three foot three above me!

Notebook binder from the Cultural Revolution

A hardcover notebook with a revolutionary image pasted on the front that says, 干一辈子革命 读一辈子毛主席的书 “Revolution for a lifetime, read books by Chairman Mao for a lifetime.” The inside image is below. The calligraphy reads, 向雷锋同志学习–毛泽东 ”Learn from Comrade Lei Feng–Mao Zedong.”

Chairman Mao Meets with Comrade Norman Bethune

Norman Bethune was a Canadian surgeon who volunteered to help the People’s Liberation Army in the 1930s. Mao held him up as a model for emulation. See an animated storybook of Norman Bethune here and another collection of storybook pages here.

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