Celebrating “Spring Festival,” also known as the Lunar New Year. The Yi people are from the south of China and the Mongolians are from the north. The soldier on the right is putting up “对联” (duì lián), a pair of calligraphy strips put at the…
There are two “Eight Model Opera” books hanging on the wooden pole behind the man. You can see one here. Click like.
The grasslands of Inner Mongolia.
A group of Tibetans around a fire with a herd of yaks in the background.
The Tibetan man standing is wearing a Mao button.
The man on the left crouched down is holding an abacus to add the measurements.
The boy is holding booklets of quotations by Mao.
“Red hearts” refer to the hearts of revolutionaries.
The Chinese name 蒸蒸日上 is an expression that literally means, “steaming days better”. It is an expression that carries the idea that things get better through steaming, such as steamed foods. The character 蒸,means to cook by steam.