The button on the left shows Mao’s silhouette against the map of China on a globe. On the back, it shows the date as 1968 and a semi-undecipherable slogan, ? ? 呼全国一片红 “The whole country is red.” During this time period, in 1968, there was…
The wording on the base reads, 毛主席万岁 ”Long live Chairman Mao.” View of the back with calligraphy by Mao below. Two sentences from a longer poem by Mao: “四海翻腾云水怒,五洲震荡风雷激。” English translation: “The four seas are stirred up by angry clouds and waves; The five continents…
The lotus shoe used by women with bound feet. The feet are called Golden Lotus, referred to as the “Three ‘thumb’ Golden Lotus” 三寸金莲 in Chinese. Three thumb lengths was considered the perfect size for the foot. This was a practice that eluded to high…